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Gelios Capital - Сила Сонця
Ми співпрацювали з Gelios Capital для розробки престижного веб-сайту Gelios, який надає людям інформацію про їхні проекти сталої енергетики та розвитку нерухомості

Будівництво, Енергетика
Бренд & Ідентифікація, Веб-сайти & Цифрові платформи
Рік і нагороди
2021, CSS - Кращий сайт енергетики UA


Побудовано понад 200 МВт потужностей зеленої енергетики. Запустив 25 проектів у 7 різних галузях. У процесі було створено понад 2000 робочих місць.
Сталий розвиток в Україні ще недостатньо розвинений, хоча підґрунтя для нього є. Якщо ми дійсно хочемо чогось досягти, ми повинні залучати інвесторів до партнерства в сталих проектах.


To visualise their energy consumption to each tenant, the SlimWonen app is connected to the smart meters of the different energy grid providers in the Netherlands.

The team at SlimWonen approached us with the need of increasing their ownership over the app, improve its usability, and implement a better background technology that would improve the process of fetching information on energy consumption from the smart meters.


Together with SlimWonen, we have designed and developed a fully new solution that strengthens their product and business model.

The brand new app provides complete ownership to the SlimWonen team and access to modify the app’s content at any point. The new technology improves and secures the process of fetching data about energy consumption.

The cloud-based mobile application is compatible with both iOS and Android, scalable, and considers security at its core.
Users can find in the new app multiple features that make it easier to stay on top of the energy consumption and encourage them to be more sustainable.
A new analytics platform helps strengthen SlimWonen’s collaboration and user-data exchange with the housing corporations.

Наш вплив

Building digital capacity through a partnership

After creating a new set of digital solutions for SlimWonen, we have continued the partnership helping them offer new features to both the mobile app users and the housing corporations. Through our collaboration, we have helped the SlimWonen team increase their digital capacity, tech education and software management.

Helping residents adopt more sustainable habits

We are quite proud of collaborating with the team at SlimWonen in making a positive impact. Together we are offering residents the tools to adopt more sustainable energy habits at home, and ultimately save on energy expenses and CO2 emissions.

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